All products are created, formulated and quality-checked by Claudio Tozzi, the writer of the first article on the Paleo Diet in Italy in the 2000s, he is also one of the most recognized experts on nutrition, fitness, health and sport in Italy. The Paleo Diet, or Paleolithic diet, is the diet that mankind has been genetically set on for millions of years: it has no cereals, milk and legumes,which were never consumed until about 10,000 ago, when agriculture was introduced in the world. The Paleo Diet (if you're i not familiar with it, click HERE) was introduced in Italy by the same author in 1999 (first discovering the seminal research of Eaton Boyd, subsequently following Prof. Loren Cordain and his student Robb Wolf). Since then, this diet brought exceptional results in terms of weight loss, athletic performance and, above all, in the field of health, since it is capable of improving/healing many autoimmune diseases and other pathologies. Unfortunately nowadays sun exposure, quantity/quality of vitamins, omega 3, etc. are no longer those of the Paleolithic Era and therefore there is a need for specific supplements to restore the conditions of that era. This is the best and only way to optimaze your diet. |
OFFERTA 50%: Iodio Antioxy Complex - Contro lo Stress Ossidativo
€ 50,00
€ 25,00
OFFERTA SPECIALE: 50% DI SCONTO SCADENZA 03/2025 Scopri la Forza Antiossidante di "Iodio Anti-Oxy Complex" In un mondo dove lo stress ossidativo minaccia quotidianamente il nostro benessere, "Iodio Anti-Oxy Complex" emerge come un faro di speranza. Questo integratore alimentare di punta, arricchito con un bilanciato mix di vitamine e minerali, è la tua risposta alla ricerca di un supporto completo contro gli effetti negativi dell'ambiente moderno. Cosa rende "Iodio Anti-Oxy Complex" così speciale? Contiene iodio, che contribuisce alla normale funzione cognitiva, al normale metabolismo energetico e al normale funzionamento del sistema nervoso. Lo iodio contribuisce al mantenimento di una pelle normale e alla normale produzione di ormoni della tiroide e alla normale funzione tiroidea. Lo iodio contribuisce alla normale funzione cognitiva e al funzionamento del sistema nervoso. Il selenio è un minerale che contribuisce alla protezione delle cellule dallo stress ossidativo: è un costituente fondamentale degli enzimi antiossidanti Glutatione perossidasi e Tioredoxina reduttasi impiegati dall'organismo per contrastare l'azione dei radicali liberi. Sostiene inoltre la normale funzione tiroidea, poiché alcuni enzimi fondamentali contenenti selenio risultano implicati nell'attivazione e regolazione degli enzimi tiroidei. Infine il selenio contribuisce al mantenimento di unghie e capelli normali e alla normale funzione del sistema immunitario e contribuisce alla normale spermatogenesi. L’acido pantotenico contribuisce alla normale sintesi e al normale metabolismo degli ormoni steroidei, della vitamina D e di alcuni neurotrasmettitori. La vitamina A contribuisce alla normale funzione del sistema immunitario e concorre al mantenimento di membrane mucose e pelle in salute. Le mucose delle vie respiratorie, per esempio, se sane ed integre, costituiscono un´importante prima linea di difesa contro l’attacco di microrganismi indesiderati Il glutatione coopera al mantenimento dell’attività antiossidante e interviene nei processi di detossificazione del fegato ed è un cofattore inoltre della Glutatione Perossidasi (GSH-Px), uno dei principali enzimi antiossidanti del nostro organismo. La vitamina C contribuisce al mantenimento della normale funzione del sistema immunitario e alla protezione delle cellule dallo stress ossidativo. Sostiene il normale funzionamento del sistema nervoso e contribuisce a ridurre la stanchezza e affaticamento. Inoltre la vitamina C favorisce l'assorbimento del ferro e la formazione del collagene per la normale funzione di gengive, pelle, cartilagini e ossa. Le Vitamine del Gruppo B (B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B9, B12): La riboflavina (B2), la niacina (B3), l’acido pantotenico (B5), la vitamina B6 e la vitamina B12 contribuiscono alla riduzione di stanchezza e affaticamento. La tiamina (B1), la riboflavina (B2), la niacina (B3), la vitamina B6, l’acido pantotenico (B5)e la vitamina B12 contribuiscono al normale metabolismo energetico. La tiamina (B1), la riboflavina (B2), la niacina (B3), la vitamina B6 e la vitamina B12 contribuiscono al normale funzionamento del sistema nervoso. La tiamina, la niacina, la vitamina B6 e la vitamina B12 contribuiscono alla normale funzione psicologica. L’acido pantotenico contribuisce a prestazioni mentali normali. Vitamina B6 e Vitamina B12 contribuiscono al normale metabolismo dell'omocisteina. La Vitamina E contribuisce alla protezione delle cellule dallo stress ossidativo. Il Foto invecchiamento, dovuto all’effetto cumulativo delle radiazioni UV, soprattutto UVA, che rendono la pelle ispessita, ruvida, secca, desquamata, favorisce la comparsa o l’accentuazione delle rughe e delle macchie della pelle, che è la conseguenza di stress ossidativo legato ad un eccesso di radicali liberi (inquinamento, fumo di sigaretta, esposizione solare inadeguata, ecc). . Confezione: 120 compresse INFORMAZIONI NUTRIZIONALI: Contenuto per una compressa (dose giornaliera consigliata: una compressa): Ioduro di potassio: 225 mcg Vitamina C: 200 mg Vitamina E: 12 mg Vitamina A: 240 mcg Vit B1 5,6 mg Vit B2 5 mg Vit B3 10,8 mg Vit B6 2,4 mg Vit B9 0,08 mg Vit B12 0,2 mg Acido pantotenico (B5): 3,9 mg Glutatione: 100 mg INGREDIENTI: addensanti: cellulosa microcristallina; potassio ioduro; agenti antiagglomeranti: sali di magnesio degli acidi grassi. MODO D’USO: si consiglia l’assunzione di 1 compressa al giorno. AVVERTENZE: non superare la dose giornaliera consigliata. Gli integratori alimentari non vanno intesi come sostituti di una dieta variata ed equilibrata. MODALITÀ DI CONSERVAZIONE: conservare in un luogo fresco e asciutto. Evitare l’esposizione a fonti di calore, alla luce solare diretta ed ambienti umidi. Informazioni importanti Ingredienti: Addensanti: cellulosa microcristallina; potassio ioduro, agenti antiagglomeranti: sali di magnesio degli acidi grassi. Avvertenze I produttori possono modificare la composizione dei loro prodotti. Pertanto, la confezione del prodotto può contenere informazioni diverse rispetto a quelle mostrate sul nostro sito. Si prega di leggere sempre l’etichetta, gli avvertimenti e le istruzioni fornite sul prodotto prima di utilizzarlo o consumarlo.
€ 25,00
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Go to cartCandida Complex. 6 super-substances to fight it
€ 26,00
New product to combat candida, with as many as 6 of the most powerful substances in the world to combat this parasitic fungus. - Helps eliminate the candida from your body - Helps purification and detoxification - Helps restore the bacterial flora
€ 26,00
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Go to cartOmega 3 - Virgin Salmon 100% - 60 1 gram softgels
€ 28,00
Salmon is one of the healthiest and most appreciated species, these are the reasons: Its particular natural habitat and its lifestyle. The long stay in the lakes in the absence of pollutants. A diet based on algae, zooplankton and small crustaceans, natural sources of essential fatty acids and antioxidants. The short life cycle of 4 years and the moderate weight of 3 kg give it unique qualities when fishing. Natural and balanced richness in omega. Natural presence of the very powerful antioxidant astaxanthin. Absence of heavy metals. Thanks to the natural presence of vitamins A, D and E, salmon oil is prized and sought after thanks to its production limited to the fishing period, from May to September. In compliance with sustainable fishing cycles, which limit the available quantity. Salmon oil preserves all the nutritious components intact and intact due to the scrupulous processing procedures carried out by a pharmaceutical company with low temperatures which do not alter its composition. The Omega-3 EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) and DHA (docosahexaenoic acid) contained in the salmon oil of "Omega 3 Virgin Salmon 100%" act together and specifically to defend the cardiovascular system. For this reason, ensuring the right intake of both of these nutrients is the best strategy to obtain the highest possible protective effect on cardiovascular health. Recent official guidelines specify precise daily quantities of these two components according to the following terms: Heart Health: 250 mg of EPA and DHA contribute to normal heart function. Brain and visual functions: 250 mg of DHA contributes to the maintenance of normal brain and visual functions. Triglyceride level: 2000 mg of EPA and DHA contribute to the maintenance of triglyceride concentrations in the blood. Blood pressure: 3000 mg of EPA and DHA contribute to the maintenance of blood pressure "Omega 3 Virgin Salmon 100%" is PURE: • 100% Salmon Oil. • NOT Mixed or Diluted with other Oils. • Without Additives Max NUTRITIONAL power. • Natural and balanced, bioavailable wealth of Omega 3. • Natural presence of the very powerful antioxidant Astaxanthin, 10 times more powerful than other carotenoids and 100 times more powerful than vitamin E. • Natural presence of vitamin A, D, E. "Omega 3 Virgin Salmon 100%" is SERIOUS. • Extraction and processing process entrusted to a pharmaceutical company. "Omega 3 Virgin Salmon 100%" is HEALTHY. • NO traces of other oils. • NO additives. • NO preservatives. • NO dyes. • NO heavy metals. • NO traces of starch, wheat, yeast. • NO Salmonella, Escherichia Coli, Staphylococcus Aureus. AVERAGE QUANTITIES PER MAXIMUM RECOMMENDED DAILY DOSE: 1 softgel. Salmon oil 1000 mg. of which EPA 180 mg. of which DHA 120 mg. Vitamin E (D-alpha-tocopherol) 13.4 mg 112% NRV*. * NRV: Nutrient Reference Values. Ingredients: Salmon oil standardized in omega 3, Vitamin E (D-alpha-tocopherol), Vitaheess E*, Edible gelatine. Strength agent Glycerol. May contain traces of milk and soy. *Vitaheess E: E-306, E 304, E 310. Packaging: 60 one gram softgels
€ 28,00
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Go to cartVitamin C "pH Control" 48
€ 33,00
Vitamin C "pH Control" 48 - More absorption, Less gastric problems Man is practically the only animal in the world that cannot produce Vitamin C. Only the Bulbul, an Indian bat, the monkey, the gorilla and the guinea pig have this characteristic, therefore it must be integrated with food/supplements. The loss of endogenous production of vitamin C occurred in an arboreal animal living in a tropical or semi-tropical environment where many foods containing ascorbic acid were available all year-round. The mutated primate's diet may not have provided as much ascorbic acid as that previously synthesized in the liver, but it was enough to survive. Bourne in 1944 showed that a modern gorilla, living in its natural habitat, would obtain 4.5 g. of ascorbic acid per day from his food. Ascorbic acid (vitamin C) is used to prevent or treat low vitamin C levels in people who don't get enough of the vitamin from their diet. Low levels of vitamin C can lead to a condition called scurvy, which can cause symptoms such as skin rash, muscle weakness, joint pain, tiredness or tooth loss. Vitamin C also: supports the immune system's normal functions protects the cells from oxidative stress. supports the normal functions of the nervous system. helps reduce tiredness and fatigue. increases iron absorption. promotes the production of collagen in gums, skin, cartilage and bones. "Vitamin C pH Control" by GeoPaleoDiet has been formulated with calcium and magnesium, i.e. minerals that almost completely buffer the acid component, which makes the product suitable for delicate and non-delicate stomachs, without causing gastric problems. Not only that, to enhance the recycling power of vitamin C, Quercetin was added to the product, a bioflavonoid, i.e. a group of pigments with antioxidant activity, present in numerous types of fruits and vegetables, which promotes the regeneration and reactivation of vitamin C. Bioflavonoids, such as quercetin, are compounds that have a significant vasoprotective and venotonic action and, by increasing the intracellular levels of vitamin C, they enhance its antioxidant action, favoring the protective activity against the oxidative damage of free radicals. Basically, a Vitamin C that is not entirely acidic, pH controlled, which allows perfect absorption of the substance because, let's remember, in nature it is contained in citrus fruits which contain calcium/magnesium and bioflavonoids. We at GeoPaleoDiet have only recreated the natural "Habitat" to best enhance its extraordinary characteristics. - Packs of 24/48 one gram tablets. INGREDIENTS: Vitamin C (L-ascorbic acid); thickener: microcrystalline cellulose, cellulose gel; vitamin C (calcium L-ascorbate); thickener: dicalcium phosphate; anti-caking agents: magnesium oxide; quercetin; anti-caking agents: magnesium salts of fatty acids. HOW TO USE: take1 tablet per day with water or other liquid of your choice. PACKAGE: 48 tablets WARNINGS: Food supplements are not intended as substitutes for a varied, balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle. Do not exceed the recommended daily dose. Keep out of reach of children under 3 years of age. HOW TO STORE: Store the product in a cool, dry place away from heat sources. Close the package carefully after use.
€ 33,00
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Go to cartEnotera softgels 120 cps
€ 34,00
Evening Primrose Oil al 10% è una fonte di acido Gamma-Linolenico ed è derivato dalla pianta Oenothera biennis (Enotera biennis), che appartiene alla famiglia delle Onagraceae. E' molto diffusa in America del nord ma anche negli appennini italiani. -------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------- Dalla spremitura a freddo dei semi bruni dell’arbusto viene ricavato un prezioso olio ricco di proprietà curative, impiegato a scopo terapeutico sin dall’antichità. Il suo olio è una delle fonti vegetali maggiormente ricche di acido gamma-linolenico (GLA), acido grasso a lunga catena della serie omega-6. Il GLA modula la risposta infiammatoria dell’organismo grazie all’azione idratante che previene le perdite idriche e quindi la secchezza cutanea. L’azione antinfiammatoria è anche efficace nell’alleviare la sintomatologia della sindrome premestruale e alcuni stati di flogosi articolare. Contribuisce a: Trofismo e funzionalità della pelle. Contrasto dei disturbi del ciclo mestruale. Miglioramento della funzionalità articolare La Vitamina E contenuta nel prodotto contribuisce anche alla protezione delle cellule dallo stress ossidativo. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Principi attivi Acido gamma-linolenico (GLA): i semi di olio di enotera sono ricchi di acidi grassi essenziali omega-6, GLA. L’organismo non è in grado di sintetizzarlo, quindi è necessaria la sua integrazione con la dieta e a differenza di molti altri prodotti in commercio che hanno solo l' 8-9% di titolazione, l' Olio di Enotera GeoPaleoDiet ha invece la titolazione di GLA al 10%. Inoltre, l’estrazione a freddo dell’olio di semi di enotera senza l’uso di solventi assicura la purezza del prodotto e mantiene inalterata la frazione lipidica. Integratore di olio di enotera ricco di acidi grassi omega-6, titolato al 10% in GLA. Etichetta Confezione: 120 soft-gel
€ 34,00
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Go to cart"MTHFR Support" for MTHFR and Homocysteine management - 60 capsules-Silicon dioxide free
€ 36,00
To better manage Homocysteine and MTHFR mutations "MTHFR Support" is a food supplement based on (6S) -5-methyltetrahydrofolic acid (5-MTHFR), the active form of folic acid, a fundamental vitamin of B group. The result is a formulation with rapid availability, usable by the body without undergoing further biotransformation processes and superior to the simple commercial folic acid. Folate deficiency might be a consequence of an insufficient supply with the diet, often poorly rich in meat, eggs, fruit and vegetables that are foods rich in folic acid. Folates are water-soluble, thermolabile and photosensitive vitamins. Their concentration in food is strongly conditioned by the preservation and cooking methods that can significantly reduce the quantity, almost to zero. The lack of folate can also be a consequence of: - condition (e.g. celiac disease) - certain physiological situations (pregnancy, lactation and postmenopausal) - as an effect of taking certain drugs. Folate contributes: - The normal aminoacids synthesis, the protein "bricks". - The regular hematopoiesis, the production of the cellular elements of the blood: red blood cells, white blood cells and platelets. During the embryonic development this function is mainly carried out by the spleen, liver and bone marrow, while after birth it is mainly the bone marrow and the lymph nodes that deal with it. - The natural homocysteine metabolism (a substance that can cause problems if in excess) - The physiological psychological function - The regular immune system function - Tiredness and fatigue riduction - Also intervening in the cell division process. "MTHFR Support" it is not only activated folate, but it has been enhanced with other co-factors linked to the metabolism of homocysteine such as Vitamin B2, Vitamin B6, Vitamin B12 and Zinc. In other words, another exclusive product of the GeoPaleoDiet supplements formulation! INGREDIENTS: Thickener: microcrystalline cellulose; capsule (coating agent: gelatin, titanium dioxide); (6S) -5-methyltetrahydrofolic acid, glucosamine salt; anti-caking agents: magnesium salts of fatty acids, rice fiber. HOW TO USE: Take one capsule per day with a glass of water. Our 60 capsule pack lasts two months WARNINGS: Food supplements are not intended as a substitute for a varied, balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle. Do not exceed the recommended daily dose. Keep out of reach of children under 3 years of age. STORAGE: Keep the product in a cool and dry place, away from light and/or heat sources. The minimum storage term refers to the intact product, properly stored.
€ 36,00
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Go to cartZinco 90 cps
€ 36,00
Lo zinco contribuisce alla normale funzione delle difese immunitarie e contribuisce al mantenimento di livelli fisiologici di testosterone nel sangue oltre che contribuire alla protezione delle cellule dallo stress ossidativo, entrambe attività implicate nel sostenere la fisiologica fertilità maschile. Lo zinco è un minerale che rientra nella struttura di molti enzimi presenti nell'organismo. Lo zinco interviene nel processo di divisione delle cellule, contribuisce al mantenimento in salute di pelle, ossa, capelli e unghie. Zinco 3, a differenza di altri prodotti, non è stato formulato con la sostanza singola, ma con 3 particolari forme per avere maggiore biodisponibilità, assorbimento ed efficacia. Le forme di Zinco3 sono: Solfato di zinco: aiuta a prevenire la carenza di zinco Zinco picolinato: alcune ricerche suggeriscono che il tuo corpo può assorbire questa forma meglio di altri tipi di zinco, tra cui gluconato di zinco e citrato di zinco Zinco metionina-L-solfato: è specifico per alzare in maniera importante i livelli di zinco nel plasma. Confezione: 90 capsule da 15 mg Quantitativi medi per dose consigliata: per capsula %NRV* Zinco 15 mg 150% *NRV Valori nutritivi di riferimento Modo d'uso: una capsula al giorno INGREDIENTI: capsula (gelatina). agente di carica: cellulosa microcristallina; zinco solfato, zinco mono-L-metionina solfato, zinco picolinato, agenti anti-agglomeranti: sali di magnesio degli acidi grassi, fibra di riso.
€ 36,00
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Go to cartSavana D3 Raw- VITAMIN D-240,000 IU per vial-in extra virgin olive oil
€ 40,00
Savana D3 Raw: Source of Vitamin D3 (Cholecalciferol) Product Description: Savana D3 Raw is enriched with Vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol), known for its high bio-availability. This form of vitamin D is the same one that the body naturally produces when exposed to sunlight. Key Benefits of Vitamin D3: Bone Support: Contributes to the maintenance of normal bones thanks to its role in calcium regulation. Immune Support: Aids in the normal function of the immune system. Blood Pressure Regulation: Can support normal blood pressure. Skin and Muscle Health: Supports the differentiation of healthy cells. Additional Information: Vitamin D is essential for numerous bodily functions and can be taken effectively through supplementation, especially in periods of low sun exposure. Vitamin D helps compensate for limited skin synthesis during the winter months or when using high sun protection. Usage Tips: Savana D3 Raw is ideal when combined with a vitamin K2 supplement for optimal absorption. This product is available in a 30 ml bottle, with 240,000 IU of vitamin D in Italian organic extra virgin olive oil, which guarantees an intake of 2000 IU for 10 drops daily. Recommended Dose: 10 drops per day provide 50 mcg of vitamin D, equal to 100% of the Nutrient Reference Values (NRV). Source of Vitamin D: The vitamin D in Savana D3 Raw comes from lanolin, responsibly sourced from the wool of live, healthy sheep. Warnings: Do not exceed the recommended daily dose. Food supplements do not replace a varied and balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle. Keep out of reach of children under 3 years of age. Storage: Store the product in a cool, dry place, away from heat sources and direct light.
€ 40,00
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Go to cartWild Atlantic Omega 3 ONLY from wild fish of the Atlantic Ocean. One gram of Omega 3 per serving
€ 41,00
Wild Atlantic: here is the "Paleo" Omega extracted only from sardines/anchovies from the Atlantic Ocean Tested for Heavy Metals, Glyphosate and Aflatoxins (Read the analyzes HERE) Omega-3 fatty acids are found mainly in fish that live in cold, salty waters, such as mackerel, cod, swordfish, tuna, trout, sardine and herring. Other sources of omega-3 fatty acids are walnuts and flaxseed oil. Long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids, identified by the acronyms EPA and DHA. EPA and DHA, contribute to normal heart function*, the maintenance of normal triglyceride levels** in the blood and the maintenance of normal blood pressure***. DHA contributes to maintaining physiological brain function and maintaining normal vision****. * The beneficial effect is obtained with a daily intake of at least 250 mg of EPA and DHA. ** The beneficial effect is obtained with a daily intake of at least 2 g of EPA and DHA. *** The beneficial effect is obtained with a daily intake of at least 3 g of EPA and DHA. Do not exceed the daily intake level of 5 g of the combination of EPA and DHA. **** The beneficial effect is obtained with a daily intake of at least 250 mg of DHA. The GeoPaleoDiet Supplements research center has reached a new level, introducing "Wild Atlantic", Omega-3 derived from fish which follows the guidelines of the FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations) and is strictly monitored by government authorities to ensure its sustainability. All suppliers of the fish used to produce "Wild Atlantic" Omega 3 also combat illegal, unregulated and unreported (IUU) fishing. Certificate of origin of the catch The raw material used in the production of this Omega-3 is taken from a variety of wild fish species and specific marine areas, to meet the different needs of an excellent fish oil containing Omega-3. Oil extraction occurs from fish which can vary, but could include anchovies (Engraulis ringens and/or Engraulis encrasicolus), Sardines (Sardina Pilchardus) caught in the Pacific Ocean, North Atlantic Ocean and/or other ocean waters as necessary. Edna Fuentes Viana QUALITY DIRECTOR Average quantity per maximum recommended dose (2 soft capsules) EPA: 350 mg DHA: 250 mg Vitamin E (D-alpha-tocopherol): 5 mg Ingredients: Fish oil (for two soft-gels): 35% EPA, 25% DHA (1000 mg), EPA Eicosapentaenoic Acid (350 mg), DHA Docosahexaenoic Acid (250 mg), Vitamin E (5 mg) (20.83% VRN), cover (glycerin and gelatin). Packaging: 90 soft-gels of 708.9 mg Heavy metals within legal limits: Lead: < = 3.0 mg/Kg Cadmium: < = 1.0 mg/kg Mercury: < = 0.1 mg/Kg INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE As a dietary supplement, take 2 soft gelatin capsules per day. This product is not a drug, it is a food supplement. NOTE The information or description contained in all our articles is purely informational. We recommend that you consult your doctor, therapist or other healthcare provider.
€ 41,00
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Go to cartPrimal K2 1000-vitamin K2-MK7
€ 45,00
🌟 Primal K2 1000: Your reliable choice for Vitamin K2! 🌟 Since 2016, Primal K2 1000 has stood out as a reliable supplement. Get to know its contribution to your daily well-being. 🚫 100% Allergen Free 🌿 Designed for everyone, including the most sensitive, our product is free of soy, yeast, egg, lactose, gluten, heavy metals and organic solvents. 🌈 Innovative Mega-Pack 💊 With 300 mini-tablets of 200 mcg, this pack is perfect for those looking for a long-lasting product. 💪 Support for Bones and Blood Coagulation ❤️ Bone Health: Vitamin K2 is known for its role in supporting bone health. Blood Coagulation: it contributes to the normal coagulation process, which is essential for an effective body response to injury. 🌱 Bioavailable and Natural Formula 🍃 Using menaquinone-7 (MK7) for optimal absorption, our Vitamin K2 is extracted through a process that avoids the use of soy. “Primal” Vitamin K2 is extracted from Geraniol and Farnesol, extracted from flowers (patented process), NOT from fermented soy which causes allergy problems. Why choose "PRIMAL K2 1000" compared to other products? We offer a microencapsulated version of Vitamin K2 MK-7 that maintains its effectiveness even in the presence of minerals such as calcium and magnesium, unlike other less stable forms. 🏋️♂️ Developed by Experts 🖊️ Created under the guidance of Claudio Tozzi, pioneer of the Paleo Diet in Italy. 🌞 Ideal combination with Vitamin D3 ☀️ Combine our Primal K2 1000 with "Vitamin D3" to optimize its benefits. 🚫 No Harmful Additives 🌿 We do not use titanium dioxide or silicon dioxide, following EFSA guidelines. 📚 Recommended Modes of Use 📖 Take one tablet daily with water during meals for best results. 🌍 Part of the Revolutionary Geo Paleo Diet 🍖 Find out more about our innovative approach to nutrition on Take the Right Step towards a 360° Wellbeing with Primal K2 1000! 🛒 Order now! Nutritional Values: INGREDIENT QUANTITY % VNR Vitamin K2 (menaquinone-7) 180 mcg 140 Ingredients: bulking agent: vitamin K2 (menaquinone-7), microcrystalline cellulose, cellulose gel, anticaking agent: silicon dioxide, magnesium salts of fatty acids. Warnings: Do not exceed the recommended daily dose. Food supplements do not replace a varied and balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle. Keep out of reach of children under 3 years. Store in a cool, dry place, away from heat and light sources. GEO PRODUCTS LINE PALEO DIET: THE DIET OF THE PAST FROM THE FUTURE Formulated by Claudio Tozzi
€ 45,00
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Go to cartVitamin D3 High Dosage of 2000 IU in softgels with Olive Oil
€ 45,00
"Vitamin D3 - 2000 IU" - High Bio-Availability for Each Soft-Gel Composition: Vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol): 50 µg (2000 I.U.), which represents 1000% of the Nutrient Reference Value (NRV). "Vitamin D3 - 2000 IU" offers one of the highest dosages available on the market, ensuring high bio-availability to optimize the absorption of vitamin D, essential for maintaining healthy levels of vitamin D in the blood. Key Benefits: Calcium Regulation: Helps maintain a healthy calcium balance in the body. Immune Support: Promotes the differentiation of healthy cells and supports the functionality of the immune system. Bone and Heart Health: Supports bone density and keeps blood pressure within normal limits. Genetic Effects: Influences the activation of over 200 genes, essential for optimal health. Vitamin D3, produced naturally by the skin after sun exposure, is considered by the scientific community to be superior to vitamin D2 in terms of efficiency and integration into the body. Clinical studies have recognized its broad health benefits, especially for bones and the immune system. Recommended Use: Take 1 softgel daily with water. It is advisable to check the vitamin D level in the blood after 3 months to adjust the dosage, maintaining optimal blood levels between 50-80 ng/mL. For increased effectiveness, it is recommended to combine this product with "Primal K2 1000". Ingredients: Olive oil (Olea europea L.), edible gelatine, firming agent: glycerol, vitamin D (cholecalciferol). Warnings: Food supplements do not replace a varied and balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle. Do not exceed the recommended daily dose. Keep out of reach of children under 3 years of age. Storage: Store in a cool, dry place, away from heat sources. Durability refers to the product being properly stored. Packaging: 150 softgels. This product is designed for those seeking effective nutritional support as part of an overall health approach, supporting vitality and overall well-being.
€ 45,00
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Go to cartVitamin D3 soft-gel 2000 IU in MCT Coconut Oil
€ 45,00
Introducing our new revolutionary Vitamin D supplement in 2000 IU soft-gel, a must-have in your daily wellness routine that clearly stands out from the competition. Normally, products with vitamin D use poor quality olive oil, or even worse, sunflower oil, which is inflammatory and harmful to the digestive system. For this reason, since 2016, GeoPaleoDiet supplements have only vitamin D immersed in Italian organic extra virgin olive oil. But this time we want to step on an even higher level, and that is the use of MCT oil (medium chain triglycerides). Strength and Purity together: So, unlike other vitamin D supplements on the market, our 2000 IU soft-gel is enriched with high-quality MCT oil, derived exclusively from sustainable sources such as coconut oil. This, not only ensures optimal absorption of vitamin D, but also provides metabolic support by improving energy efficiency and promoting weight management. Key Differences: Optimized Potency: Our 2000 UI dose exceeds common standards, helping you meet daily recommendations for optimized bone health and immune functions. Superior Absorption: Thanks to the synergy with MCT oil, vitamin D is absorbed more efficiently, maximizing its benefits for your body. Unparalleled Purity: We are committed to using only the highest quality ingredients, ensuring that each soft-gel is free from artificial additives and preservatives, offering a completely natural solution suitable for even the most demanding. Metabolic Support: The addition of MCT oil, not only facilitates the absorption of vitamin D but also helps improve metabolism, offering a unique double benefit. INSIGHT: why choose vitamin D MCT? Discover the transformative power of MCT (Medium Chain Triglycerides) coconut oil – your secret ally for a revitalized metabolism and enhanced overall well-being. Carefully extracted from the finest coconuts, this superfood is the key to unlocking a more energetic and vital version of yourself. MCT coconut oil is more than just a supplement, it is a catalyst for deep metabolic transformation. Sustained Energy: MCT coconut oil is a direct source of energy for your body. Unlike other types of fats that require a longer metabolic process to convert into energy, MCTs are quickly absorbed and transported to the liver, where they are immediately transformed into ketones. These can be used as a quick source of energy for your brain and muscles, giving you an energy boost without the crashes associated with sugar. Accelerated Metabolism Integrating MCT coconut oil into your diet can mean boosting your metabolism. MCTs increase the body's rate of thermogenesis (heat production), thus promoting a faster metabolism. This means the body will burn calories at a faster rate, even at rest, making it easier to manage weight and reduce body fat. Appetite Control MCT coconut oil is a powerful appetite suppressant. Thanks to their ability to quickly transform into ketones, MCTs provide a prolonged sense of satiety, reducing appetite and limiting calories intake. This makes MCT coconut oil a precious ally in low-calorie diets or in weight loss diets. Support for Cognitive Function MCTs not only fuel the body, but also the mind. The ketones produced by their metabolization are a highly efficient source of energy for the brain, which can help improve focus, memory and cognitive performance. This makes MCT coconut oil an ideal supplement for those looking for a mental edge in work, study or daily life. Benefits for Heart Health MCT coconut oil also contributes to cardiovascular health. It can help improve lipid profiles by reducing levels of LDL cholesterol (the "bad" cholesterol) while increasing HDL cholesterol (the "good" cholesterol). This balance is critical to keep your heart healthy and to reduce your risk of heart diseases. Easy Digestion Unlike other fats that can be difficult to digest, MCTs are easier on the digestive system. This makes them an excellent choice for people with digestive problems or those following low-fat diets for health reasons. Incorporate MCT coconut oil into your daily routine and discover a source of clean energy, an accelerated metabolism, and improved overall well-being. Whether you are looking to optimize your physical and mental performance, lose weight, or simply live a healthier life, MCT coconut oil is the natural choice to take your wellness to the next level. Our 2000 IU soft-gel Vitamin D supplement with MCT oil is the ideal choice for those looking to improve their health naturally and effectively. Forget common vitamin D supplements and embrace a solution that offers more than just bone health benefits. With our product, support your immune system, improve your metabolism and enjoy sustained energy thanks to the effectiveness of MCT oil. Commitment to Quality We are proud to offer a product that not only stands out for its strenght and purity, but is also produced following rigorous quality standards. Each batch is tested to ensure maximum effectiveness and safety, because your health deserves only the best. Incorporate our 2000 IU Vitamin D soft-gel supplement with MCT oil into your daily life and feel confident in choosing a product that exceeds expectations, offering benefits that go well beyond regular supplementation. It's time to elevate your well-being with a cutting-edge solution.
€ 45,00
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Go to cartPrimitive Collagen. Softer skin, anti-wrinkle, less joint pain in 30 days
€ 59,00
Collagen can keep osteoporosis away, detoxify your intestine, help you sleep, improve your skin, remove your joint pain, maintain your lean muscle mass and many other precious health/sport benefits Keep on reading to learn all the reasons why you should take collagen! Do you remember Simmenthal canned meat? The meat was wrapped in a semi-transparent substance, gelatine, which was very good! Gelatine comes from collagen, the most abundant protein in humans and animals (about 25% of the total protein mass), representing about 6% of body weight in humans. Once cooked, the collagen decomposition into gelatine is irreversible; its long protein fibers, or tiny fibers, are broken down into small compounds of amino acids. However, the chemical composition of gelatin is very similar to its mother molecule. Collagen is found almost everywhere in the body, but is more abundant in the skin, bones, tendons and ligaments. It holds our tissues together, providing the skeleton with a robust but flexible structure and some types of collagen fibrils are, gram for gram, stronger than steel. (1) Collagen in the skin, bones, ligaments and tendons of animals, increases the reserves of human collagen, which leads to significant health benefits below. It is made almost entirely of protein (98 to 99%). Collagen is rich in vital amino acids, although it does not contain all the essential amino acids, making it an incomplete protein. The amino acids that it is provided though are particularly important for health, in particular glycine, but also other fundamental amino acids such as Proline, Glutamic acid and Lysine. (2) Collagen is Paleo! Our hunter-gatherer ancestors ate much more collagen than we do today. This is because they widely used nose-to-tail consumption, they used to cook and consume the entire animal, including skin, tendons and other gelatinous elements. We have lost the practice of consuming whole animals and gelatin-rich cuts are generally discarded, or at least underestimated, now. (Some, such as beef shank or roast, are also considered "hard" and therefore less attractive than softer and more expensive ones.) Furthermore, vegetarians do not eat many (or none) of animal products. This means that we are taking a lot less collagen than our ancestors, if not at all. 10 (+1) reasons to take collagen ... Now! Since we usually do not use the entire animal, or in some cases completely avoid the meat, we lose the many benefits of this unique food. 1. Increases skin elasticity Collagen is one of the primary structural elements of the skin. As we age, we naturally lose collagen, our skin goes limp and wrinkles come. Collagen provides glycine and proline, key elements that can help your body create enough of this important protein to improve the health and appearance of your skin. In particular, several studies have shown an improvement in skin elasticity and hydration, as well as a reduction in deep wrinkles, with the integration of collagen hydrolyzate. (3,4) A diet rich in collagen can also protect against the effects of aging sunlight, preventing wrinkles in the future. (5) Collagen also seems to induce hair growth and lead to thicker and fuller locks. (6,7) 2. Reduces cellulite and stretch marks There is no doubt that our genetics play an enormous role in the onset of cellulite and stretch marks, but the levels of collagen in our body contribute to the appearance of our skin. With the daily intake of collagen, we make sure that the levels of this substance do not decrease drastically and therefore a healthy level is maintained. The skin consequently will have a structure that will be less prone to collapse and lead to cellulite. 3. It manages inflammation Chronic inflammation is known to be the main cause of many health problems. However, some research has shown that Glycine, an amino acid found in collagen supplements (such as "Primitive Collagen"), is a great tool to reduce inflammation. 4. Improves sleep quality For every human being, sleep is crucial for its metabolic function, physics and mental health. Gelatin can help to combine sleep due to its abundance of glycine. Only a few tablespoons can provide about three grams of glycine, enough to cause measurable improvements in sleep quality. (8,9) Glycine is also an inhibitory neurotransmitter, which means that it can reduce anxiety and promote mental calm to make you sleep through the night. (10) 5. Improves the states of anxiety Everyone feels anxious once in a while, some more than others. Chronic anxiety and stress can seriously affect our daily lives. But glycine is also an inhibitory neurotransmitter, which means that it is a natural way to calm the brain and create balance. 6. Decreases joint pain The bone lives, the tissue grows and mainly includes collagen and, as already mentioned, this substance is the glue that holds our tissues together. So, it's easy to see why getting more collagen is good for bone and joint health. Research shows that gelatine can have a beneficial effect on cartilage metabolism and inhibit collagen breakdown in bones. It can be effective in the treatment of osteoporosis and osteoarthritis. (11,12,13) Its amino acids glycine and proline are anti-inflammatory and are probably responsible for research findings that find gelatin effective in reducing joint pain associated with arthritis. Lysine strengthens bones by helping the body absorb calcium and form collagen. The body cannot produce this amino acid, so it must come from the diet. Lysine has also been shown in animal studies to accelerate fracture healing. (14) 7. Appetite control If you are trying to lose weight, collagen is an excellent option because being like a protein, it makes you feel fuller longer regardless of the time of intake. 8. Improves digestion Intestinal permeability (very common for people with certain lifestyles, such as eating cereals, dairy products, legumes, alcohol, etc.) can lead to physical and mental health problems, nutritional deficiencies and anxiety. Thanks to the amino acids glycine, proline and glutamine, collagen can improve intestinal integrity and digestive strength, improving gastric acid secretion and restoring a healthy lining in the stomach. (15,16) Collagen also absorbs water and helps keep the digestive tract fluid, promoting good intestinal transit and healthy bowel movements. (17) Soups, broths rich in gelatin or supplements such as "Primitive Collagen" are key components to improve bowel function and promote healthy digestion. 9. Increase energy levels You can take collagen to increase metabolism and energy levels due to its glycine content. You can jump instead of crawling out of bed every day! 10. Longer hair and healthier nails Collagen is a central component of hair and nails and therefore having healthy levels of this substance in your body ensures healthy, long, sensual, brighter and stronger hair. Even your nails get longer and stronger because they won't break more easily. Collagen is an excellent ingredient that will ensure you live a longer and healthier life, with strong bones, longer and shinier hair, better nails and glowing skin. 11. Maintains muscle mass Glycine is the hero here again: research has found that increasing the intake of glycine, through supplementation or foods high in glycine such as gelatin, can help slow or reduce the loss of bound muscle at the age. This weakness can make some people less physically active as they get older, and can even increase the risk of falling due to reduced strength and stability or getting hurt when they train. Additional glycine can protect muscles in a variety of wasting conditions caused by serious illnesses such as cancer or very low calorie intake. (18,19) The List of the Collagen benefits continues! Research suggests that gelatin can also help in weight loss, helps control blood sugar, decreases inflammation in type 2 diabetics, improves cognitive / mental health and much more. (20,21,22,23) Are you a vegetarian? A warning ... Vegetarians often have low levels of glycine. Vegetarians and vegans do not consume as much glycine as meat eaters and we have seen how important this component of collagen is to health. Studies have shown that vegetarians and vegans have significantly higher levels of homocysteine, on average, than omnivores, putting them at significant risk of cardiovascular problems, ie exactly the opposite of what they wanted to achieve by removing meat. (25) This is probably due to nutritional deficiencies of vitamin B12 and choline, which help to control homocysteine. Some followers of the Paleo who mainly eat muscle meat and ignore the "nose-to-tail" philosophy, can therefore also be subject to a low consumption of glycine, something that in the Paleolithic did not happen because the whole animal was consumed. "Primitive Collagen" is UNIQUE! In fact, it has been formulated together with other substances to further amplify the fire power of its numerous benefits, a series of synergistic molecules that create a unique product, completely different from all the other collagen-based products that exist on the market. So in addition to top quality hydrolyzed collagen, "Primitive Collagen" also contains: - C vitamin - Zinc - Ornithine Here because: C vitamin Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) is fundamental for the synthesis of hyaluronic acid. Hyaluronic acid has been advertised to accelerate recovery times and relieve painful joints. Without adequate levels of vitamin C, your body will not get the maximum benefit from foods containing hyaluronic acid. A study suggests that hyaluronic acid can help improve collagen production in the human body. Hyaluronic acid is found naturally in the body, but decreases with age, so eating foods / supplements rich in vitamin C and amino acids can increase the levels of hyaluronic acid and collagen in the body since both are important for the skin. Vitamin C is therefore fundamental precisely for the production of collagen and therefore in "Collagen Primitive" as many as 900 mg of pure ascorbic acid have been inserted, which represent as much as 1125% of VNR (Reference Nutrient Values). Zinc Zinc is a nutrient that plays many vital roles in your body and for this reason, it is necessary to obtain a constant supply through the diet and / or supplements. Zinc is required for numerous processes in your body, including (1): Gene expression Enzymatic reactions Immune function Protein synthesis DNA synthesis Wound healing Growth and development Zinc is the second most abundant mineral in your body - after iron - and is present in every cell (2). Zinc is necessary for the activity of over 300 enzymes that help metabolism, digestion, nerve function and many other processes (3). Furthermore, it is essential for the development and function of immune cells (4). This mineral is also essential for skin health, DNA synthesis and protein production (5). Furthermore, the growth and development of the body depend on zinc for its role in growth and cell division (6). Zinc is also necessary for your senses. Since one of the crucial enzymes for taste and smell is dependent on this nutrient, a deficiency of zinc can reduce the ability to taste or smell (7). Zinc is essential for cell growth and division, immune function, enzymatic reactions, DNA synthesis and protein production. Research shows that zinc has numerous health benefits because it helps keep your immune system strong. Because it is necessary for immune cell function and cell signaling, a deficiency can lead to a weakened immune response. Zinc supplements stimulate particular immune cells and reduce oxidative stress. For example, a review of seven studies showed that 80-92 mg of zinc a day can reduce the length of the common cold by up to 33% (8). Furthermore, zinc supplements significantly reduce the risk of infections and promote the immune response in the elderly (9). Zinc is commonly used in hospitals as a treatment for burns, some ulcers and other skin lesions (10). Since this mineral plays a fundamental role in collagen synthesis, in immune function and in the inflammatory response, it is necessary for proper healing. In fact, your skin contains a relatively high amount - about 5% - of your body's zinc content (11). While a zinc deficiency can slow down wound healing, zinc supplementation can speed recovery in people with wounds. For example, in a 12-week study in 60 people with diabetic foot ulcers, those treated with 200 mg of zinc per day showed significant reductions in ulcer size compared to a placebo group (12). Zinc can significantly reduce the risk of age-related diseases, such as pneumonia, infection and age-related macular degeneration (AMD). Zinc can relieve oxidative stress and improve the immune response by increasing the activity of T cells and natural killer cells, which help protect the body from infections (13). The elderly who supplement zinc have improved their response to influenza vaccination, reduced the risk of pneumonia and increased mental performance (14, 15, 16). In fact, one study has determined that 45 mg of zinc a day can reduce the infection rate in the elderly by almost 66% (17). In addition, in a large study of over 4,200 people, taking daily antioxidant supplements - vitamin E, vitamin C and beta-carotene - plus 80 mg of zinc reduced vision loss and significantly reduced the risk of advanced AMD (18). Acne is a very common skin disease that is estimated to affect up to 9.4% of the global population (19). Acne is driven by the obstruction of glands, bacteria and oil-producing inflammation (20). Studies suggest that both topical and oral zinc treatments can effectively treat acne by reducing inflammation, inhibiting the growth of P. acnes bacteria and suppressing oily gland activity (21). People with acne tend to have lower levels of zinc. Therefore, supplements can help reduce symptoms (22). Zinc reduces oxidative stress and reduces the levels of some inflammatory proteins in the body (23). Oxidative stress leads to chronic inflammation, a factor that contributes to a wide range of chronic diseases, such as heart disease, cancer and mental decline (24). In a study of 40 older adults, those taking 45 mg of zinc per day experienced a greater reduction in inflammatory markers than in a placebo group (25). Zinc can therefore effectively reduce inflammation, increase immune health, reduce the risk of age-related diseases, accelerate wound healing and improve acne symptoms. Although severe zinc deficiency is rare, it can occur in people with rare genetic mutations, breastfed babies whose mothers do not have enough zinc, people with alcohol dependencies and anyone who takes certain immunosuppressive drugs. Symptoms of severe zinc deficiency include reduced growth and development, delayed sexual maturity, rash, chronic diarrhea, wound healing and behavioral problems (26). Milder forms of zinc deficiency are more common, especially in children in developing countries where diets are often free of important nutrients. An estimated 2 billion people worldwide are deficient in zinc due to inadequate dietary intake (27). Because zinc deficiency damages the immune system, increasing the chances of infection, zinc deficiency is believed to cause over 450,000 deaths in children under the age of 5 each year (28). Among those at risk of zinc deficiency (29): People with gastrointestinal diseases such as Crohn's disease Vegetarians and vegans Pregnant and nursing women Older children who are exclusively breastfed People with sickle cell disease People who are malnourished, including those with anorexia or bulimia People with chronic kidney disease Those who abuse alcohol Symptoms of mild zinc deficiency include diarrhea, decreased immunity, hair loss, decreased appetite, mood disorders, dry skin, fertility problems and wound healing (30). Zinc deficiency is difficult to detect using laboratory tests due to the body's strict control of zinc levels. Therefore, you may still be lacking even if the tests indicate normal levels. For this reason and in particular for his great work on the production of collagen, in "Collagen Primitive" 6 mg of Zinc have been inserted, which represent 60% of the VNR (Reference Nutrient Values), which indicate the quantity of vitamins and minerals that a person should take to meet the minimum daily requirement. Ornithine There are so many collagen products around but only "Collagen Primitive" contains Ornithine, which, by amplifying the overall power of the product, makes it absolutely unique. In fact, a scientific study has compared two groups of people to whom the initial degree of: Skin elasticity Transepidermal water loss (TEWL) One group was given a drink containing Collagen and Ornithine, while to the other group a placebo drink, that is without active ingredients. Obviously, neither group knew exactly what they were taking, whether collagen + ornithine or nothing, in order to increase the effectiveness of the experiment. After 2 months they re-measured the values. Skin elasticity and transepidermal water loss were significantly improved in the group that received collagen + ornintine compared to the placebo group. Furthermore, only the collagen + ornithine group showed an increase in plasma IGF-1 levels after 8 weeks of integration compared to baseline. The IGF1 hormone takes its name from the English terms insulin like growth factor, or similar insulin growth factors. It is produced by the liver and is one of the mediators of the growth hormone called GH, and therefore serves to stimulate the development of certain tissues in the human body, such as bones, muscles, skin and brain. It also controls insulin resistance, making it more difficult to contract diabetes. These results have also been confirmed by another study in which it has been proven that ornithine stimulates polyamine concentrations that are known to increase the synthesis of certain proteins and improve the epidermal barrier function of the skin. This research shows that oral administration of ornithine significantly affects the chemical composition of the skin through increases in both amino acids and polyamines after a short period of time. Ultimately "Collagen Primitive" is currently the only formulation in the world that contains Hydrolyzed Collagen boosted with: Ornithine + Zinc + vitamin Packaging: 300 grams of hydrolyzed Collagen (Powder) Warning: Do not exceed the recommended daily dose. Dietary supplements are not intended as a substitute for a varied and balanced diet. Keep out of reach of children under three years. Do not use in pregnancy and in children or for prolonged periods without consulting a doctor. Store in a dry place away from heat sources. Close the package after use. Bibliography: Collagen: The Fibrous Proteins of the Matrix at The Amino Acid Composition of Mammalian Collagen and Gelatin à The effect of oral collagen peptide supplementation on skin moisture and the dermal collagen network: evidence from an ex vivo model and randomized, placebo-controlled clinical trials Oral Ingestion of Collagen Hydrolysate Leads to the Transportation of Highly Concentrated Gly-Pro and its Hydrolyzed Form of Pro-hypyplasty into the Bloodstream and Skin à The effect of pacific cod (Gadus macrocephalus) skin gelatin polypeptides on UV radiation-induced skin photoaging in ICR mice à Effect of daily gelatin ingestion on human scalp hair à effect of gelatin-cystine ano serenoa repens extract on free radicals level and hair growth at -and-HAIR-GROWTH.pdf Glycine ingestion improves subject sleep quality in human volunteers, correlating with polysomnographic changes à Subjective effects of glycine ingestion before bedtime on sleep quality at Glycine neurotransmitter transporters: an update à Role of collagen hydrolysis in bone and joint disease à Collagen hydrolysate for the treatment of osteoarthritis and other joint disorders: a review of the literature à 24-Week study on collagen hydrolysate as a dietary supplement in athletes with activity-related joint pain Effect of amino acids lysine and arginine on healing fractures in rabbits: A radiological and histomorphological analysis à Protection of gastric mucosal integrity by gelatin and simple proline-containing peptides à Possible Links between Intestinal Permeablity and Food Processing: A Potential Therapeutic Niche for Glutamine à Eight health benefits of gelatin à Glycine metabolism in skeletal muscle: implications for metabolic homeostasis à Dietary meat and protection against sarcopenia à Oral ingestion of a hydrolyzed gelatin meal in subjects with normal weight and in obese patients: Postprandial effect on circulating gut peptides, glucose and insulin à Glycine treatment decreases proinflammatory cytokines and increases interferon-gamma in patients with type 2 diabetes à Beneficial effects of glycine (bioglycin) on memory and attention in young and middle-aged adults à Nutritional therapies for mental disorders à Effect of gelatins on human cancer cells in vitro à 25. Vitamin B-12 and homocysteine status among vegetarians: a global perspective Zinc: Iron and Zinc Nutrition in the Economically-Developed World: A Review à Designing hydrolytic zinc metalloenzymes à Zinc in Human Health: Effect of Zinc on Immune Cells à Zinc and its importance for human health: An integrative review à Effect of Zinc Supplementation on Growth Outcomes in Children under 5 Years of Age à A Randomized, Placebo Controlled Trial of Oral Zinc for Chemotherapy-Related Taste and Smell Disorders à Zinc lozenges and the common cold: a meta-analysis comparing zinc acetate and zinc gluconate, and the role of zinc dosage at The immune system and the impact of zinc during aging - Pressure ulcers: Current understanding and newer modalities of treatment at Zinc in Wound Healing Modulation à The effects of zinc supplementation on wound healing and metabolic status in diabetic foot ulcers: A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial à The immune system and the impact of zinc during aging at Zinc in the elderly: effects of zinc supplementation on psychological dimensions in the dependence of IL-6 -174 polymorphism: a Zincage study à Low zinc status: a new risk factor for pneumonia in the elderly? à Zinc, aging, and immunosenescence: an overview à Discovery of Human Zinc Deficiency: Its Impact on Human Health and Disease1,2,3 à Lutein + zeaxanthin and omega-3 fatty acids for age-related macular degeneration: the Age-Related Eye Disease Study 2 (AREDS2) randomized clinical trial à A global perspective on the epidemiology of acne à The role of zinc in the treatment of acne: A Review of the Literature Innovative uses for zinc in dermatology at Correlation between Severity and Type of Acne Lesions with Serum Zinc Levels in Patients with Acne Vulgaris à Cytokines in the Pathogenesis of Rheumatoid Arthritis and Collagen-Induced Arthritis à Chronic Inflammation à Zinc decreases C-reactive protein, lipid peroxidation, and inflammatory cytokines in elderly subjects: a potential implication of zinc as an atheroprotective agent1,2,3 à / Enteropathic Acrodermatitis - A Case Report à Biological consequences of zinc deficiency in the pathisms of selected diseases à Global and regional child mortality and burden of disease attributable to zinc deficiency à Dietary calcium and zinc deficiency risks are decreasing but remain prevalent à Zinc: An Essential Micronutrient à Determination of Zinc Status in Humans: Which Indicator Should We Use? à Foods highest in Zinc à Fortification of foods with zinc for improving zinc status and other health outcomes in the general population à A historical review of progress assessment in a dietary assessment of the population zinc status as a Zinc supplementation or regulation of its homeostasis: advantages and threats à Iron, Magnesium, Vitamin D, and Zinc Deficiencies in Children Presenting with Symptoms of Attention-Deficit / Hyperactivity Disorder à Dietary Reference Intakes for Vitamin A, Vitamin K, Arsenic, Boron, Chromium, Copper, Iodine, Iron, Manganese, Molybdenum, Nickel, Silicon, Vanadium, and Zinc à / NBK222317 / Ornithine: Mar Drugs. 2018 Dec 3; 16 (12). pii: E482. doi: 10.3390 / md16120482. Effects of Composite Supplement Containing Collagen Peptide and Ornithine on Skin Conditions and Plasma IGF-1 Levels-A Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Trial. Ito N1, Seki S2, Ueda F3. à Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2019 May 14; 512 (4): 712-715. doi: 10.1016 / j.bbrc.2019.03.147. Epub 2019 Mar 27.Oral administration of l-ornithine increases the content of both collagen constituting amino acids and polyamines in mouse skin.Harada D1, Nagamachi S1, Aso K1, Ikeda K1, Takahashi Y2, Furuse M3. à
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Go to cartFinal Detox 19 - A Unique Mix of Ingredients for a Superior Detox Effect
€ 67,00
🔥 "FINAL DETOX 19" BY CLAUDIO TOZZI: YOUR ALLY FOR A POWERFUL AND SCIENTIFICALLY FORMULATED DETOX! 🔥 Hi, I'm Claudio Tozzi, and I created Final Detox 19, an exclusive formula designed for all those looking for an effective detox based on solid scientific foundations. With my experience and knowledge, I have selected the most powerful ingredients to guarantee you real and tangible results. 🔥 TOXINS: THE SILENT ENEMIES OF YOUR HEALTH! 🔥 Yes, those hidden substances that, every day, silently threaten your health. 🌪️ WHAT ARE TOXINS? 🌪️ Toxins are harmful substances that our body accumulates due to external factors such as drug residues, pollution, junk food, smoking, stress. They are the invisible enemies that can cause serious damage to our body, leading to fatigue, illnesses and a general sense of discomfort. 💥 THEIR SILENT BUT DEVASTATING IMPACT 💥 Don't underestimate the effect of toxins. They may be subtle, building up slowly in your body, but their effects are powerful: from slowed metabolism, to digestive problems, to a compromised immune system. In short, toxins can curb your vital energy and health. 🚀 HOW TO FIGHT TOXINS? 🚀 The good news is that we can fight these harmful substances! A clean diet like the GeoPaleoDiet, rich in antioxidants, adequate hydration, regular exercise (BIIOSystem) and correct detoxification are powerful weapons in the fight against toxins. 🌟 TAKE CONTROL OF YOUR HEALTH 🌟 Don't wait for toxins to take over. It's time to take action, to take control of your health. With the right choices, you can rid your body of these harmful substances and rediscover a level of energy and well-being you never thought possible. 🌟 A UNIQUE MIX OF INGREDIENTS FOR A SUPERIOR DETOX EFFECT 🌟 Final Detox 19 (daily dosage 3 capsules) is a powerful combination of: 250 mg of Setria® Patented Reduced L-Glutathione: Known as the "master of antioxidants", L-Glutathione is essential for the defense of cells from oxidative stress. But unlike other products on the market based on this substance, our Setria® has greater bioavailability and is able to penetrate our body more easily, providing a more effective defense against oxidative stress. 600 mg of Hesperidin: A natural flavonoid that contributes to the protection of cells from oxidative stress. 200 mg Quercetin: Another powerful flavonoid that supports the immune system. 600 mg of N-Acetyl-Cysteine (NAC): Precursor of L-Glutathione and renowned for its antioxidant properties. 🚀 A FORMULA DESIGNED FOR MAXIMUM IMPACT 🚀 In Final Detox 19, each ingredient has been chosen for its effectiveness and to work in synergy with the others, ensuring an optimal impact on your well-being. This product is the result of years of research and passion for health. 💡 WHY CHOOSE FINAL DETOX 19? 💡 Safety and Quality: Formulated in compliance with EFSA claims, ensuring a safe and high quality product. Science and Research: Each component has been chosen on the basis of studies and research, guaranteeing you an effective product based on solid scientific foundations. Easy to Integrate into Your Routine: With Final Detox 19, you'll have all the benefits of a powerful detox in one easy-to-take product. 👊 DON'T WAIT! Final Detox 19 is here to help you reach a new level of well-being and vitality. Experience the power of a scientifically formulated detox and feel the difference in your body and mind.
€ 67,00
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€ 78,00
€ 70,20
Il "Candida Support" è un integratore alimentare formulato con ingredienti selezionati per il loro ruolo nel supportare il benessere generale e il mantenimento di un equilibrio microbico ottimale nel corpo. Questo integratore contiene: Acido Caprilico: Questo acido grasso a catena media, derivato dalle noci di cocco, è riconosciuto per il suo contributo al mantenimento di una flora intestinale equilibrata. Lactobacillus Acidophilus: Un probiotico ben noto che supporta la salute del colon e può aiutare a mantenere un equilibrio microbico sano all'interno del tratto intestinale. Aglio: Notoriamente utilizzato per le sue proprietà di supporto generale alla salute, l'aglio è valutato per il suo contributo alla funzione immunitaria e circolatoria. Biotina (Vitamina B8): Importante per il metabolismo energetico e può supportare la salute della pelle e delle mucose. Selenio: Un minerale essenziale con forti proprietà antiossidanti, aiuta a sostenere il sistema immunitario e a proteggere le cellule dal danno ossidativo. Betacarotene: Un precursore della vitamina A essenziale per la salute visiva, della pelle e del sistema immunitario. Modalità d'uso: Si consiglia l'assunzione di una capsula al giorno a stomaco vuoto, come complemento a una dieta equilibrata. Ingredienti principali: Acido caprilico, Lactobacillus acidophilus, aglio, biotina, selenio, betacarotene. Eccipienti includono amido di mais pregelatinizzato e sali di magnesio degli acidi grassi. Confezione: 30 capsule. Avvertenze: Gli integratori alimentari non sono sostituti di una dieta variata e equilibrata e di un sano stile di vita. Non superare la dose giornaliera consigliata. Conservare fuori dalla portata dei bambini di età inferiore ai 3 anni. Conservazione: Conservare in un luogo fresco e asciutto. Dopo l'apertura, conservare in frigorifero per mantenere la freschezza del prodotto. Questo integratore offre un supporto naturale per il benessere generale, contribuendo al mantenimento di un equilibrio microbico sano, senza fare affermazioni non supportate o promuovere la cura di malattie. Acido caprilico 221 mg L. acidophilus 30 mg (pari a 6mld u.f.c.) Betacarotene 5 mg Aglio 3 mg Biotina 200 mcg (400% NRV*) Selenio 80 mcg (145% NRV*) * % NRV: Valori Nutritivi di Riferimento
€ 70,20
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Go to cartBundle Esclusivo -10% Collagene Primitivo Gusto Arancia & Vitamina C pH Control
€ 92,00
€ 82,80
🌟 10% di Sconto 🌟 Approfitta del nostro bundle esclusivo che combina Collagene Primitivo Gusto Arancia e Vitamina C pH Control, pensato per sostenere il tuo benessere. Perché scegliere questo bundle? ✅ Pelle Radiante: Contribuisce a migliorare l'elasticità e l'idratazione della pelle. ✅ Supporto Immunitario: La Vitamina C pH Control aiuta a sostenere le difese naturali del corpo. ✅ Comfort Articolare: Per una vita più attiva e flessibile. ✅ Assorbimento Migliorato: L'abbinamento di Collagene e Vitamina C favorisce l'efficacia di entrambi. ✅ Convenienza: Risparmia il 10% acquistando il bundle! Contenuto del Bundle: 1 Confezione di Collagene Primitivo Gusto Arancia (30 dosi) 1 Confezione di Vitamina C pH Control (48 capsule) Modalità d'uso: Collagene Primitivo: Sciogli una dose in 200 ml di acqua o succo, da assumere una volta al giorno. Vitamina C pH Control: Prendi una capsula al giorno con acqua. Da sapere: 💡 La vitamina C è fondamentale per la sintesi del collagene, rendendo questa combinazione perfetta per il tuo benessere. Come acquistare: Aggiungi il bundle al carrello. Completa l'acquisto. Goditi i benefici di un benessere ottimizzato! Approfitta ora di questa occasione per migliorare il tuo benessere con prodotti di alta qualità. 🔒 Acquista in sicurezza 🚚 Spedizione rapida
€ 82,80
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Go to cartTop Skin Telomeri Pack: Modula l'Invecchiamento con 3 soli prodotti D+WILD+MTHFR
€ 120,00
€ 105,60
Il pacchetto include una selezione di integratori che contribuiscono al mantenimento della lunghezza dei telomeri nel nostro organismo. Approfitta di uno sconto del 12% rispetto all'acquisto dei prodotti singolarmente, risparmiando quasi 15 Euro: 1 flacone di Vitamina D3 2000 UI - 150 soft-gel a flacone in Olio di Oliva. Valore: 45 Euro 1 confezione di Omega3 Wild Atlantic, 90 soft-gel. Valore 40 Euro 1 confezione di MTHFR Support, contenente Vitamina B12, Acido Folico attivato, Vitamina B2/B6 e Zinco, 60 capsule da un grammo. Valore 35 Euro
€ 105,60
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